We are Steve, Angie, Zad, and Ike. We live in hot Arizona where the sun always shines and we
enjoy the outdoors….most of the year.
We are a family of four created through the miracle of adoption, looking
to become five maybe even six!
Steve would say his favorite part of life is being a husband
and dad. He works four days a week
at a large investing company allowing him three day weekends which gives him
more time with his family. Steve
is very much a hands-on dad; he gets right in there changing diapers, teaching
the boys how to dive into the pool, and wrestling them on the bench at
church. Steve loves to spend time
on his boat and can’t wait for his boys to be big enough to wake board behind
it. He never thought being a dad
could be such a mix of laugh out loud moments along with the pull out your hair
times as well and looks forward to adding to the mix with baby #3.
Zad is three and is incredibly sweet natured and helpful to his family. He is half African American, one quarter Mexican, and one quarter Irish. He loves being the big brother, swimming, wrestling and doing projects with mom or dad. He would tell you he wants to watch a movie everyday cause he loves to cuddle with mom, which she will take any day! We all enjoy our open adoption with his birth mother, Norma and consider her part of our family. She is in our home often and we loved visiting her in Hawaii last year while she was living there.
Ike is our two year old little fireball! He is half Mexican and half Irish. He is always testing his strength and ability to climb most anything; his lack of fear delights him and scares his parents almost daily! Ike is always happy, even during time-out he will bat his long eyelashes and grin at his mom while she is trying to learn how to resist! He loves to makes cookies, ride bikes, and jump on the trampoline. He doesn't like to sleep alone; we find him in bed with us or snuggled with his brother every morning. We look forward to the texts, Facebook messages, and phone calls we receive from both of his birth parents. We have Hannah, his birth mother over for dinner whenever she is available and hope to be able to see more of his birth father in the future.
Top 5 Things You Should Know About Our Family:
We love each other and are committed to one
another 100%.
We love open adoption and embrace our children’s
birth families.
We work hard and play hard; but mostly work to
play everyday!
We love Jesus Christ and visiting the temple as
a family every month.
We love that our family is created through many
miracles of adoption.
Steve, Angie, Zad and Ike!